Hey everyone, this article shares the latest Minecraft world map of Outist Gaming YouTuber. You can download this Outist Map for Minecraft Java edition. Outist is a gamer on YouTube and getting popular through his Minecraft content.
Outist Minecraft World Map
Minecraft is the innovator’s heaven in any case. Outist has been playing in this world from quite a long time now, and he has done great works. We are sharing an early version of his map which is pretty much the most recent version, and it was shared directly by Outist from his Instagram profile.
Outist Achievements in Minecraft
He Made Minecraft End XP Farm, Iron Farm, Storage Room, and Trading hall which is in progress. He has also made many farms and builds. All things considered, Outist as a matter of fact is one of the most talented Hindi Gaming YouTuber. This is an early map of Minecraft and soon as we get more updates we will update the download link.

How to play on Outist Minecraft World?
- Download World for Minecraft
- Press Windows+R on your keyboard
- Type: %AppData%
- Press Enter and go to saves folder.
- Paste the Map in “saves” folder.
AppDataRoaming.minecraftsaves - Run Minecraft 1.18 and enjoy.
You can download the most recent shared Outist’s Minecraft world from the given link below.
What is Outist’s Minecraft World Seed?
Outist Minecraft Java Edition world map’s seed of survival series is: -2356682599760384036. This seed was generated on 1.18 version of Minecraft Java and later updated to 1.18.1
Seed: -2356682599760384036
Minecraft Java: 1.18
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