Learn how to fix all Watch Dogs Game errors and run your game smoothly. The majority of players confirm that Watch Dogs is stable, but some of them still faced errors. Since the game was released a long time ago, there are still chances of having issues.

Watch Dogs Game Errors
It would be natural to assume that all the possible bugs were eliminated. Unfortunately, this is not the case and no surprise, really. As usual, most of these crashes are associated with graphics hardware, and all the different systems and configurations will give PC developers headaches for a long time.
Today we tried to fix at least a few larger bugs, but if you can’t find the solution in this article, please describe your problem in the comments section. We will do our best to help you out.
List of 3 Most Common Watch Dogs Game Errors
- Error ‘Watch_Dogs” setup is damaged
It is recommended to reinstall the game from the original release by z10yded - Error Watch_Dogs.exe System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because XINPUT1.3.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. - Error Watch_Dogs.exe System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
If you are facing a similar error or an unknown stopping your game from running on your windows, then you apply the given solution method below that will fix all your error permanently.
Important Note
Please note before apply this solution i highly recommend making a backup of your game folder and then apply the below method and this solution is made for patched versions of Watch Dogs Game so if you are facing issues on your paid premium game then please verify the integrity of your game from your game software program such as Steam and Epic Games.
How to Fix All Watch Dogs Game Error
- Verify the integrity of your game if on Steam, Epic Games.
- Download DirectX Gaming Edition.
- Install DirectX Gaming Edition on Windows.
- Install Visual C++ on Windows.
- Run the Game normally.
You can also apply this method on patched free versions of Watch Dogs games. The DirectX Gaming Edition and Visual C++ can be downloaded from the below articles.
Download Section
We recommend making a backup of your game before doing changes to it.
Hey! If you have a question related to today’s topic, feel free to ask in the comment section below.
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