Category: news
How Big Smock Beat all GTA Series through San Andreas | AdeelDrew
Big Smoke is probably the best scoundrel in the GTA series. GTA San Andreas is cherished by the greater part of the Grand Theft Auto people group, making Big Smoke effectively more conspicuous than most different reprobates in the series. GTA 5 may be more well known to the public crowd today, however it’s difficult…
Down-sides of GTA 5 vs Cyberpunk 2077 and Why GTA 6 can be a Great Revolution for Gaming Industries
We all think of GTA 6, I personally think of GTA 6 as a future revolution for gaming industries. The Remaster version of the first GTA PS2 was a set of three (Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, San Andreas). Given the notoriety of these games, even in 2021, it wouldn’t be that immense of…
How GTA Online Beat other Multiplayer Games with New Updates
GTA 5 is really incredible! The regular GTA mission recipe is something that Rockstar doesn’t dabble with, and which is all well and good. Any individual who’s played a GTA game knows the recipe at this point: go to plan marker “A”, go to objective “B” with partner, do “X” and get back to the…